Liquidity Forecast
Mera Opens liquidity forecast comprises a forecast generation and various queries.
Forecast Generation Before forming a cash flow forecast, you should update its business outlook. This can be done either manually or by moving the budget forecast.
Liquidity Forecast Generation Forecast generation is activated with a from date and a per date. Use only time portion of date. Standard Room at the end of last term , and from the date a year ago (see below description of the application)
Forecast generation falls into 4 parts.
- Balance sheets Budget and forecast for all balance sheets are reset so that the system is ready to receive new forecast figures. The balance sheets that are marked that they be included in the estimate (omnibus account debtors and creditors should not be marked as the individual debtors and creditors are in place) are treated as follows: Budget from operating accounts allocated to status. Eg. salaries apportioned to various liabilities (payable gross taxes, etc) Period Movements to and per date for a year and the budget or actual numbers (which is greatest) for one year, distributed according statuskontoens payment terms over the forecast column.
- Debtors Debtor payment pattern is calculated on overdue items as an average delay compared to the due date on Annex booked after the date (the standard one year) and an average payment of same. Debtor outstanding (open lines) distributed after the due date plus the average delay of appropriate omnibus account debtors (61) in the forecast column. Backlog Account (62) can be marked to which of the following figures, to be included: 1) Shipped not invoiced and outstanding warrant from delivery date 2) Valid bids from anticipated order date (or valid for) assigned delivery date depreciated in HST offers the chance, 3) the debtor's budget in periods after each. date and one year, incl. any tax. Those allocated to appropriate orders account (62) in the budget column, and after an average payment times over the forecast column. If the average payment is 0, distributed according debtor payment terms. Distributes any VAT on the VAT due by budget period and after momskontoens terms of prediction column. VAT calculation carried out for debtor tax code. Therefore, differentiated VAT not hospitalized in the liquidity forecast.
- Creditors Following the same principles as debtors.
- Operating Accounts Operating Budgets included only if the account for operating cash flow (06) is selected to be included in bulging cash forecast. The operating accounts that are not excluded from the forecast and if budget is not a dynamic counting of debtors budget for as follows: The budget for periods after each. date and year out, incl. any VAT, distributed system-text account of operating cash flow (06) in the budget column, and after driftkontoens terms of prediction column. Distributes any VAT from the budget on money due by budget period and after momskontoens terms of prediction column.
Liquidity Queries Using a text item , which together count all stock accounts, the system's general questions used for cash requests.
(Finance 15)