
All users of the MERA Open ä has a password (password) which is used in connection with the logging in to the system. This password is more than a password, since it contains a complete description of the user, and how it should be perceived in different system contexts. The same employee can have multiple passwords (users) depending on the desired profile.

The user profile defines possible transactions and data access to the system:

  • user Reference for a description of the menu options (transactions) that are available when you are logged in under that password. Eg. order creation, diverse customer queries etc.
  • only request Even if the user has user group transaction opportunities they can no update but only inquire.
  • database Limitations A filter to describe the identities in a table that the user has access to. Eg. The user has access to financial queries, but may only use the financial accounts in your department. If, for example. suppliers have access to the system, limited queries to only be on the supplier's own orders, own goods etc.

The user profile also contains a description of the user:

  • employee Reference to the description of the employee.
  • initials Initials as påhæftes identities established or directed by the user.
  • Section and Section description. Affiliation to the department in which the employee works under the selected profile.
  • Language What language standard queries and transcripts should be presented on the user. This can, for example. used in subsidiaries in other countries. This should not be confused with
  • order Language Language code for orders placed under this profile, unless otherwise stated on respectively clients and suppliers. This language code used for external communications for example. customers and suppliers;

User profiles contain the user's authorization in relation to the sale and purchase orders:

  • Sales Order Limit The maximum sales order value that the user must confirm
  • Margin The lowest sales order margin which the user must confirm.
  • Purchase Order Limit. The maximum purchase order value that the user must confirm.

The user's default storage approach is defined as:

  • order Stock If nothing else determines the order warehouse for example. the client is not associated with a particular stock, used this by creating orders and other lagerpåverikende transactions. Also indicates which storage user by default will look in various memory requests.
  • primary Storage If the contracting memory is not completed, this is used to determine the order warehouse for the goods not associated with a primary storage. Used in conjunction with sales order creation and various memory requests. For products which have a primary storage, the main memory used.
  • stock If the order is not filled warehouse, indicate the storage user is physically attached and should preferably be used when printing stock lists. If the contracting store is filled, it can be used to determine the standard delivery address for the purchase order.

Media Management include prints:

  • print Group Which printer group the user is associated. Depending on the media control parameter for the output selected printer.
  • Briefcase Which folder print and extract files loaded.
  • Remote If the user is defined as remote send all statements to the employee for local printing.
  • Job Queue All jobs running in the background put in a queue. One can thus prioritize the settlement of runs depending on the user.
