
Mera Open includes a filter mechanism that can be used across the system in connection with:

A filter can be created either as

  • A standard filter A filter attached to a specific form instance. inquiries and prints that are activated without user influence.
  • A user called filter A filter is selected in connection with such. inquiries and prints. You can create filters that the user can choose at runtime.
  • A user-entered filter A filter as dialed in connection with such. inquiries and prints.

When a filter (prebuilt standard and filters) can be used in many different contexts, it is a free-standing element, which is defined without context, and must include reference to the included tables. User entered entangled table references are defined in the mold. Filters marked for whether it should be called in question and / or update, and whether it is an error if the condition is not met, or a warning.

Filter conditioning specified as a "where" phrase containing:

  • column names Eg. "CURRENCY".
  • Kondi Toner Eg. "=" Equals ">" greater than etc ..
  • constants Positive and negative numbers, dates and texts
  • separator Eg. "AND" and "OR"
  • brackets For linking and separation of conditions.

Example A filter refers to the customer table and aerobic capacity expressed as: "(CURRENCY = GBP AND BALANCE> 0) OR CREATED> 010401"

1 Column Name Column names can be found by asking for help or assistance in the field, where the column name is displayed in the first line of help box.Note that if the column name consists of several words linked together by an underscore (_). If the column is a text field, you can after the column name indicate where in the text field you have to start by writing "(9)", where 9 is a number from 0 to field length - first The default value is "(0)". Example: "REF (2) = M2" for items where the second position in the item number is equal to "M" and third equal "2".

If a column is defined as a table, for example. turnovers per. month, you can type the following after the column name:

·          Nothing The condition must be fulfilled for all instances. Example: "BUDGET = 0" for customers, where all current year monthly budgets are 0th In other words, customers with no budget.

·          "(9)", where 9 is a number from 0 to the number of instances - first The condition must be met for instance ninth Example: "BUDGET (2) = 0" for customers, which in March month's budget is 0th

·          "(n)" or "(N)" The condition must be fulfilled for one of the instances. Example: "BUDGET (N)> 0" for customers where one of the monthly budgets are larger than the 0th In other words, customers with budget.

conditions As a condition, the normal mathematical conditions.An overview can be obtained by asking for help after entering / selecting column name.

Equal to


If the field is a text field, it starts with

Bigger than



Greater than or equal to

> =


Less than



Less than or equal to



Differs from


If the field is a text field, it does not start with



Can only be used in text fields *)

Does not contain


Can only be used in text fields *)

2 Column Name The second column name can be a column name or a constant. If the column name is a number or a date, given the constant as a number or a date. If it is a text, given the constant, possibly in quotes - either 'or ". This is done to distinguish if compared with another column (without the quotes) or a constant (with quotes).   In text fields used can be a wild card '*' in the context of equal and contain. NB Text constants no longer be indicated by quotation marks, unless you are looking at a sentence of two or more words), or searching for sentence in position 1 or 2. If a column, there must be a period before the column name. *) If conditioning is "contains" or "does not contain" and 2 column names contain blank accepted all content between the individual words. If you want to test as a coherent words indicated underscore (_) for the blank. Example: "NAME HAS 'OLE ANDERS'" meets customers named "Ole Anders", "Ole Anders one" and "Ole Henrik Anders a 'condition. These correspond to the "NAME HAS OLE AND PORT HAS ANDERS" Example: "NAME HAS 'OLE_ANDERS'" meets customers named "Ole Anders" and "Ole Anders a 'condition but not" Ole Henrik Anders one ". Example: "NAME HAS 'OLE_ANDERS_'" meets customers named "Ole Anders" condition, but not "Ole Anders one" and "Ole Henrik Anders one".

separator If the filter includes several conditions, they are separated by a separator.

Or A "and"

The following condition must also be satisfied

Or V "or"

One of the conditions to be met

Note the Danish language is not mathematical. Eg. if you want a list of some specified customer numbers separated those with 'or' and not 'and'. So in a list of customer number '1' and '4' used 'or' da kundenumret can not be equal to both '1' and '4', but kundenumret be either equal to '1' or '4'.

brackets Parentheses are used to link conditions.This must be understood that conditions will be validated inside the parenthesis and the general expression must be true.

In the example "(CURRENCY = GBP AND BALANCE> 0) OR CREATED> 010401" means that all identifiers in which:

first      currency is GBP and the balance is greater than 0, OR

second      creation date is after 010,401


If the brackets were set as follows: "EXCHANGE = GBP AND (BALANCE> 0 OR CREATED> 010401)" it would mean that all identifiers in which:

first      currency is GBP and the balance greater than 0 OR

second      currency is GBP and the creation date is after 010,401


