Calculations - Arithmetic

Code: +*/!?=%#$

These functions cause calculations to be performed on data items.

The calculations can both be used as function code and parameters separated by values, or field numbers when J-tables are programmed.

Valid codes for calculations are:




The data item will become equal to current value.

Addition in inquiry mode.

Subtraction in update mode.

If parameters are not supplied, the data item in the record is adjusted by the value of the data item Entered.


Subtraction in inquiry mode.

Addition in update mode.

If parameters are not supplied, the data item in the record is adjusted by the value of the data item Entered.


Multiplication in inquiry mode.

Division in update mode.

If parameters are not supplied, the multiplier / divisor is defaulted two -1 (Only as loading code in a calculation)


Division, in inquiry mode ( Normal 5 rounding)

Multiply in update mode.

If parameters are not supplied, the multiplier / divisor is defaulted two -1 (Only as loading code in a calculation)


As '/' with no rounding


As '/' but rounded up.


Absolute value of the field.(Always positive)


Current value in percentage of next value or value of field number.


Deduct current value with the percentage in next value or value of field number.


Set calendar code for date manipulation.

After this point all date manipulation are done according to working days in the specified calendar somehow Weise on calendar days.








Field number.

If the field pointed two have an editing code for date and time special date and time arithmetic's are used (See Code @)

If the field pointed two has a T function attached the following rules applies:

0001 (Currency Code): Value becomes rate of exchange.

0027 (Unit code): Value will be rounded two unit codes number of decimal.

0030 (Price per code): Value becomes price per factor



See above


As parameter 0


As parameter 1

All calculations are done with floating point until the field is displayed or updated.At this point the value is rounded according to the fields editing code.